We pride ourselves in striving to make Código 1530 the most selective tequila in the world, using only perfect inputs and age old secret family processes.
We hand select the best, fully-matured agave, to ensure that with each harvest, our agave’s Brix level (sugar content) meets our high standards. For each small batch, we use 3x the average amount of agave for a better tasting, smooth tequila. We make each batch naturally, without any added sweeteners or colors.
Each drop of Amatitán water we use is from freshwater pools and rainwater, filtered through the volcanic soil of Los Bajos.
Our proprietary chopper allows us to extract only the best juice and pulp from the first press of ripe agave, to garner the purest flavor.
We use an organic yeast from a small family bakery in Amatitán, rather than aggressive commercial yeast, to facilitate a more gentle and gradual fermentation process.
We use the finest Napa Valley Cabernet French White Oak wine barrels in our time-honored family aging technique, rather than the more commonly used American whiskey barrels. This distinctive difference in our aging embraces the clean elegance of wine making, to produce a uniquely delicate finish.